Surabhi | Recruitment Consultant.

Hello ER,
We are recruiting on behalf of infosys and we have some urgent requirements for which your profile is suitable.
You must submit your resume through our recruitment portal. We do not accept CV through Email. Once we receive your resume, you will hear from us soon.
Click here to Apply for Infosys.
Make sure you submit your resume completely.
Warm Regards,
Recruitment Consultant.
from: Surabhi | Recruitment Consultant. <Surabhi_reply@perfectpriceindia.com>
reply-to: “Surabhi | Recruitment Consultant.” <Surabhi_reply@perfectpriceindia.com>
date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 3:59 PM
subject: Ref #105677 – Urgently Require Your Resume For Infosys
mailed-by: smtp1.perfectpriceindia.com