Coast Seafoods LLC

The Coast Seafoods LLC and its ventures Intends to invite experienced Individuals who is Capable of rendering services in various fields of (1) Fish Packer (2) Fish Machine Tender (3)Fish Cleaner (4) Fish Bin Tender (5) Store managers) (6) Supervisors (7) Drivers (8) processing machine Operator and company security. The company need 120 workers to sum up the already registered one as many workers will be leaving the company because of the expiration of their contract with the company.
We further encourages all applicants to forward their respective application directly to the following Addresses: info@coastseafoodsusa.com
WORKING HOUR = 5 Hours (Accommodations will also be provided at companies cost)
VISA TYPE: US working Visa/ Work Permit
JOB DURATION: Permanent staff
JOB SITE: 15 Broad Street, Suite 400 Boston, MA 02109, USA.
Strength Classification: Medium
Note: that application received after the deadline will not be considered. The relevant reference number should be stated on left – hand corner of any mail being sent in relation to this Job application. We shall enter into correspondence only with Short listed applicants or expatriates.
Best Wishes,
Coast Seafoods LLC(U.S.A)
15 Broad Street, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02109, USA
E-mail: info@coastseafoodsusa.com
Message : This is a Fake Mail – Pls. Don’t Reply to the above given Mail Address…….