E-mail Fraud Information

BRITISH GOVERNMENT RESCUE Government of United Kingdom and the United Nation

Team/Helpline Compensation Unit
10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA
E-Mail ID: uk.helpline_dept@rescueteam.com
Phone Number: +447430573184

Dear Email Owner,

The Rescue team of Government of United Kingdom and the United Nation are now aware of your winning prize in all category and all your effort to secure this fund which were effortless till now. After our various investigation and information we gathered from different sources.We confirmed that you have invested a lot of money trying to secure your fund.
now, the above mention office have agreed to reinstate you.The authority have decided to release your compensation to you pending your earlier response to this mail.Kindly contact the British Government Lottery compensation department with the information below.

Name ………
Address ……
Country: …….
City: …………..
Mobile number: ……

Your response will be treated urgent as soon as its forwarded to the appropriate department. Congrats in advance.

UK Government Office
Help / Rescue Team Dept
London, United Kingdom.

from: uk.helpline_newdelhi39@yahoo.com
reply-to: uk.helpline_newdelhi39@yahoo.com
date: 29 November 2016 at 20:18
subject: Payment Notification From UK Compensation Unit
mailed-by: yahoo.com
Signed by: yahoo.com
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