E-mail Fraud Information

Access code worth up to Rs. 20,000,00.00 issued to: Rishi Nigam The Ultimate Opportunity

Access code worth up to Rs. 20,000,00.00 issued to:
Rishi Nigam
Dear User,
Take a good look at the access code below. For a limited time only, it grants you full entry access to your choice of prizes worth over Two Crore Rupees!
You have been issued this code on behalf of our Sweepstakes Director so you can guarantee your chance to win, and customize your potential prize winnings.

Your access code:

Please do not share your code with anyone. Click the button at right to activate full entry access.


Your access code:

Ravi GL
Director – Sweepstakes Committee
PS: Response Deadline: [31/07/2016]; No Extensions

Sender’s Details :

from: RD India <support@carditback.com>
date: 28 September 2016 at 00:48
subject: The Ultimate Opportunity
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