E-mail Fraud Information

Monica Gaziri info@fanstyle.co.jp

email spam february wiseHow are you doing?? I think whoever says sunshine brings happiness have not danced in the rain, the best way to love is to meet people in a way that your feelings will be without sentiments ,and also not getting attracted to looks until you have the heart opened to a good level of understanding, this is the only way to find such person.

My name is Miss Monica Gaziri, You may want to know more about me before saying a thing ,lets give this a trial, i think we may get to talk and see what that feeling is all about,who know it could be love, but sincerely speaking
i think at my age , i really want a happy life now, I want Good friend not only good, but also my best friend to me,

i look forward for your response

i m new here and in this type of Friendship.
yours new friend Monica Gaziri

Sender’s Details :

from:Monica Gaziri <info@fanstyle.co.jp>reply-to:moniccagaziiri@yahoo.com
to:date:Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 6:15 PMsubject:Hello !mailed-by:fanstyle.co.jp

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