E-mail Fraud Information

Generate 2,277 free leads in 5 minutes!

spam COLLECTION SENT VIA EMAILI purchased an opt in online survey form regarding
interested persons in generating money from home.
This is a 100% compliant list and never SPAM.
To be purged from this list just email me and I will
take care of it right away.
Your info on file is Email: %email%


I stumbled into this lead generating system that
being used by top internet marketers.

I have always wonder how they are able to generate
thousands of leads within days!

Well, I found their secret…

This generated 2,277 leads in 5 minutes and
49 recruits in a week for my primary business.

Watch this video right here:

To your success,

John Navata
P.S. – The video might be pulled down soon so
watch it while it’s available.


Sender’s Details :

from:  John Navata <support@smartpassiveprofits.com>
reply-to:  paulkath218@gmail.com
date:  Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 1:23 AM
subject:  Generate 2,277 free leads in 5 minutes!
mailed-by:  gator3250.hostgator.com
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