Attention: ATM Card Beneficiary, I wish to use this medium to inform you that your CONTRACT/INHERITANCE Payment of US$10.5Million dollars from ASIA have been RELEASED and APPROVED for onward Transfer to you through an ATM CARD after our meeting with United Nations and International monetary fund (IMF)which you will use to withdraw all the US$10.5 Million United States Dollars in any ATM SERVICE MACHINE in any part of the world,But the maximum amount you can withdraw daily is the sum of USD$4,000.00 only. We the board of trustees of United Nations/IMF have also mandated the Federal Government of India designated bank to send your ATM CARD and PIN NUMBER to you which you will use to withdraw all your USD$10.5Million in any ATM SERVICE MACHINE in any part of the world.
You are therefore advised to contact the DIRECTOR OF ATM CARD OPERATIONS in India with the information stated below: CONTACT PERSON: Accountant Wells Patel, THE DIRECTOR OF ATM CARD OPERATIONS, EMAIL address :accountantwells@qq.com Inform Mr. John Gomez, THE DIRECTOR OF ATM CARD OPERATIONS that you received a message from United Nation by Mrs Janet Cory in London. We wish to use this opportunity to express our sincere apology over your plight in the past Years and we wish to assure you of prompt receipt of your fund through ATM Card. Thanking you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. BEST REGARDS Mrs. Janet Cory, On behalf of IMF/UN.